Shot in the arm for rural school

FamCast News
18 days ago


The ministry of education and training in collaboration with World Vision International Lesotho, Disaster Management Authority (DMA) and local companies conducted a resource mobilisation campaign Poso primary school in Mokhotlong.

The campaign is aimed at mobilising resources for the school to address challenges that expose teachers and students to hazards that affect their health, learning and safety.

In her remarks, Mathematics and Science examiner at the department of education and training in Mokhotlong, Irene Hlongwane, said DMA and World Vision have embarked on a European Union funded project whose objective is ‘Strengthening and Consolidating National and Community Capacities for Effective Disaster Preparedness and Response in Lesotho’.

Hlongwane said the two-year project, which started in June 2023 and will end in May 2025, is implemented in Mokhotlong, Thaba-Tseka, Leribe and Maseru district.

The principal of Poso Primary, ‘Malechesa Lebitsa, said the school has a total enrolment of 110 students and five teachers.

Lebitsa said the school infrastructure consists of a single block of three classrooms. However, this block has several issues: a leaking roof, several window panes need replacement and three doors that require painting and new locks.

“The floor is riddled with fissures and one of the classrooms has a severely cracked wall which looks like it could collapse any moment. The condition of the school is not conducive for learning,” Lebitsa noted.

Poso is a Roman Catholic school founded in 1930.
