WASCO set to oppose Mafeteng water case

FamCast News
10 days ago


The Water and Sewage Company (WASCO) has filed a notice in the High Court signaling its intent to contest the Mafeteng resident’s application for an order compelling the government to provide clean water services.

The community had petitioned the court in an urgent application, arguing that their lack of access to clean water places them in imminent danger of ill health and eventual death.

However, the court refused to hear the case on an urgent basis, citing that the water crisis in Mafeteng dates back to 2015. It further ordered the applicants to follow normal procedures of filing a non-urgent application.

Respondents have yet to submit their answering affidavits, which will provide their arguments against the residents’ case.

“Sirs, kindly take note that the respondents herein intend to answer and oppose the above-mentioned application,” reads the motion filed last Friday.

Applicants in the case are: Khethisa Mokone, Ngoliloe Seotsanyane, Thoboloko Ntšonyane, Tefo Khunonyane and Seetsa Lesia.

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), MPs for the following constituencies; Qalabane (Retšelisitsoe Matlanyane), Mafeteng (Moeketsi Motšoane),Mafeteng (Hlalele Letšaba), Thaba Phechela (Mohau Hlalele), Thabana Morena (Selibe Mochoboroane) and Phoqoane (‘Matankiso Tekane), ministers of natural resources (Mohlomi Moleko), tourism and environment finance, health, local government and chieftainship, Lebona Lephema, the Water and Sewage Company (WASCO), rural water supply (RWS), Mafeteng district administrator and the Attorney General, Rapelang Motsieloa are cited as respondents.

The residents also want the court to order the IEC to establish guidelines to ensure that political candidates do not make unconstitutional and exaggerated election manifestos.

They also seek a declaration that the failure of government, by itself, or WASCO and Rural Water Supply (RWS), to maintain dams, store adequate water and deliver clean water to them violates the people’s right to access to water.

They want the government to rehabilitate the following lakes and dams: Rasebala, Ha Maoela, Thotaneng, Ha Montoeli, Ha Rakhasapane, Boluma-Tau, Raleting, Tšakholo, Tša-Letima, Luma, Sampokane and Ha Mohlehli.
